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Drawing a Line with the Line Tool

Drawing a line with the line tool

I assume you either bought or downloaded a trial version of Adobe Flash.  I will be using Adobe Flash CS4.  Let's open up Flash now.

Fig. 1

There are three columns:  1. Open a Recent Item,  2. Create New, and 3. Create from Template.
For now we will only concern ourselves with column 2, Create New.  Choose Flash File (ActionScript 3.0) and click to open.

Fig. 2
This is your work space.  You'll be spending a lot of time here so begin to familiarize yourself with it.  It may not be setup the same as mine but set it up the way you feel most comfortable.

 Fig. 3
The line tool is the diagonal line icon in the tool bar.  Select it and go to the stage (the white area on the screen).

 Fig 4
Hold the right mouse button down and drag the line across the screen until you have your desired length and release the button.  In the figure above I have chosen a pixel width of 2 so you will be able to see the line clearly.  You can change the width either by using the slider or highlighting the field and typing in your choice.  Play around with the various widths and draw as many lines as you want.  The next lesson will be creating an arc from this line.

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