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Making an Arc with Selection Tool

Now that you have made your line.  Find the selection tool (it should be located at the top or beginning of you tool bar.

Fig. 1
As you approach your line segment with you will notice a small arc just in front of your selection cursor.  This means that if you press and hold the right mouse button you can move the center or any section without moving the end points of the line.

Fig. 2

Position the line where you want it and release the right mouse button. There you have completed making an arc from the line tool and the selection tool. Congratulations!!
This method can be used for any line segment including rectangles, triangles and even circles or ovals.  Now we'll move on to making a rectangle.


If you right click on the shape tool icon it will bring up a list of the different shapes you can use in  Flash.  The tool that has a black square in front of it is the selected tool.  If the rectangle tool is not selected select it now and we will draw a perfect square.

Fig. 4

Right click on the stage, press and hold the shift key and drag the cursor across the stage until you have the desired size of your square.  Holding the shift key down will also make a perfect circle with the oval tool.  Try it.  Go back to the shapes icon and select the oval tool.  Repeat the procedure above.  Since all these shapes are made from line segments you can turn them into arcs at any time.  Just remember that any intersecting line will start a new line segment.

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